Chicago Public Schools has achieved remarkable progress over the past five years in tackling one of public education’s most intractable challenges: ensuring that students in low-income communities have equitable access to top teaching talent.
This case study details how the CPS Opportunity Schools initiative recruits, develops, and retains excellent teachers in its hardest-to-staff schools. In telling the story of the program’s challenges, strategies, and successes—often through the eyes of those who played key roles in its creation—the case study offers a blueprint for urban school districts facing their own obstacles on the road to educational equity. It also features actionable recommendations and considerations for philanthropy.

Ensuring Equitable Access to High-Quality Teachers
While Opportunity Schools are sprinkled across the city, the majority are on the city’s South and West sides. The Opportunity Schools initiative addresses the steep challenges those schools face in recruiting and retaining educators for both specialized and general roles.
The Four Opportunity Schools Strategies: Built on a foundation of understanding and trust
The Match.com of CPS
Our recruitment team is a talent agent for the teacher and a trusted talent scout for the principal. “We play the matchmaker role once we find great people,” says one senior recruitment manager.Principal Professional Development Supports Teacher Retention
Principals learn how to use teacher appreciation strategies, place extra emphasis and support on a new teacher’s first 90 days, distribute leadership opportunities to veteran teachers, and create a culture of inclusiveness and collaboration for decision-making.Coaching Novice Teachers
The coach’s goal is to create a safe space where teachers can express their concerns, challenges, and questions about instruction. Coaches have ongoing dialogue with Opportunity School principals.Mentoring Teachers
In addition to the instructional support, new teachers are assigned a veteran mentor teacher who has been trained to help them navigate the challenges of teaching.~timeline2019

Meet Mr. Tressler at Hamline Elementary
Opportunity Schools has been a game changer for the group of schools it supports. Vacancy and retention rate data affirm that fact.
A centralized recruitment program fueled by trust enables a school-based hiring decision that principals report is resulting in higher quality entry-level teachers. Trained coaches and mentors provide new teachers with supports, and experienced teachers have opportunities for leadership as mentors and teacher ambassadors. Altogether, these features provide principals with the skills and knowledge to help retain their best teachers.
Interested in learning more?
Email opportunityschools@cps.edu to find your answers.