Teach Chicago Tomorrow


More than a graduate of CPS—you’re its future.

You already know that teaching is a rewarding career. CPS graduates can make an extraordinary impact as future CPS teachers. Teach Chicago Tomorrow helps you plan your path from student to teacher, and connects you with programs and financial resources to help you achieve your dream. #TheBestAreWithCPS

CPS Graduate to CPS Teacher in 4 years


Click the wheel to explore the journey and the support that’s waiting for you.

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    <div id="title"><h2>This is the step Title</hs></div>
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      <img src="https://assets.codepen.io/3457845/wheel-pics-center-pic.jpg" alt="Teach Chicago Tomorrow Wheel" />
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      <svg width="23" height="26" viewBox="0 0 23 26" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
        <path d="M-6.55671e-07 13L22.5 0.00961778L22.5 25.9904L-6.55671e-07 13Z" fill="#333333"/>
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        <path d="M23 13L0.5 25.9904L0.5 0.00961903L23 13Z" fill="#333333"/>
    <div id="underwheel_step">Step #</div>

    <div id="underwheel_description"></div>
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      <a id="ctaLink" href="#NOTE">CTA</a>

Upcoming Teach Chicago Tomorrow Events

RSVP for a Virtual Teach Chicago Tomorrow Information Session

Photo of Teach Chicago Tomorrow Scholar smiling and sitting down at table in front of laptop

Spring 2025 Teach Chicago Tomorrow Events

Wednesday, January 22th

Wednesday, February 5th

Thursday, February 20th

Thursday, March 6th

Wednesday, March 19th

Wednesday, April 9th

Thursday, April 24th

Tuesday, May 13th

Choose the Path That’s Right for You


2+2 Pathway Partners

Step 1: First 2 Years at City Colleges of Chicago

Step 2: Final 2 years at a 4-Year University Partner


4-Year Pathway Partners

Illinois State University Logo Card
Northeastern Illinois University Logo Card
University of Illinois Chicago Logo Card

CPS Students and Families

Still not sure who to talk with at your school about Teach Chicago Tomorrow? Send us your information and we’ll make sure you get connected.


Teach Chicago Tomorrow is generously supported by Crown Family Philanthropies and the Joyce Foundation.
