Thank You!


Now you’re asking yourself, “What’s next?”

I won’t sugar coat it. Waiting is hard.

So please let me assure you that our recruiters have received your submission and will reach out to you based on the information you shared.

In the meantime we do ask that you sign up for an upcoming information session by clicking here and review our program’s 2023 timeline which is laid out below.

Additionally, on this page you can check out the requirements for your program of interest, find answers to some of our frequently asked questions, and check out photos of our team to see who you’ll be talking with. :)

Thank you again your interest in joining our program!



Felicia Butts - Director of Teacher Residencies

Felicia Butts - Director of Teacher Residencies

CPS Teacher Residency 2023-24 Program Timeline

Pre-Admission Timeline:

Now through April 15, 2023:

  • Candidates are to complete a short 2023-24 interest form. (By seeing this web page, that means you just did this!)

  • Eligible/Continuing candidates will be invited to interview with Teacher Residency staff.

Upon Confirmation from your Recruiter:

  • Begin studying and take your tests!*

  • Complete an application with a CPS residency partner university!

*We do not recommend candidates begin any testing at all until/unless they have completed an interview with Residency Program staff and have received eligibility confirmation.

Post-Admission Timeline:

April-June 2023:

  • Mentor and resident matching event

May-July 2023:

  • Classes begin! Different program tracks have different course start dates. Check with your recruiter for specific information.

We believe our best talent should serve our highest needs


Our Mission

We recruit, prepare and retain a diverse base of culturally competent individuals to successfully teach high-needs subjects in underserved communities.


Our Vision

We envision a diverse teacher workforce that reflects student populations and is devoid of talent shortages, particularly in the highest needs schools and communities.


Have you seen our Frequently Asked Questions?

  • Do I need to have an education degree to participate or apply?

    • No. Any graduate of an accredited college or university with a Bachelors degree and a 2.5 GPA (for bilingual/ECE residency) or 3.0 GPA (for special education/STEM residency) is eligible to apply for the CPS Teacher Residency Program.

  • Can I apply to the Teacher Residency Program if I already have a teaching license?

    • Residency applicants can not hold an Illinois state issued teaching license (provisional and substitute licenses, excluded). If you hold a teaching license from a state other than Illinois, you may still be eligible to apply to the CPS Teacher Residency Program. Please contact to see if this program is a good fit for you.

  • When does the program begin and end?

    • The program starts in July every year. The exact date varies from year to year. The program lasts for 2 years. 

    • Year 1: You work in a student teacher role where you shadow a mentor teacher and are gradually released into full-time lead teaching while completing your Masters-level coursework.  

    • Year 2: You are hired as a full time teacher in your own classroom and move from a provisional license to a PEL and complete your MAT degree.

  • Must I commit to teaching in a Chicago Public School? For how long?

    • All Residents complete their training and teaching commitments in Chicago Public Schools. All Residents commit to teach in CPS for a minimum of 2 years after completion of the residency program.

  • How big is the Residency Program cohort per year?

    • The CPS Residency Program began in 2017 with a pilot cohort of 12 teachers-in-training. Since then, the program has grown to 90 Resident Teachers in the fields of Early Childhood Education, STEM Education, Special Education and Bilingual Education.

  • How much is the stipend that Residents receive?

    • Residents receive a $35,000* salary plus benefits during their student teaching year (Year 1). Once hired as a full time teacher (Year 2), Residents begin earning a teacher salary upwards of $50,000 per year.

    • *$15,000 of this salary is a salary advance (with zero interest). In Years 2-4, a total $5,000 will be deducted in equal amounts throughout each year. This equates to an effective salary of $50,000 or more in each deduction year. Residents may also have an option to accelerate repayment by electing a $10,000 repayment in Year 3.

  • What does a Resident’s schedule look like?

    • During the summer term Residents are taking coursework Monday through Friday and attending extensive professional development. Residents must be available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays (excluding holidays). The fall and spring terms are built around the busy schedule of a teacher so coursework is approximately 60% in person and 40% online. The program is full-time and intensive. During the program, Residents are immersed in a combination of graduate level coursework and classroom teaching experience.

  • How are Residents matched with mentor teachers?

    • We do our best to match Residents with Mentor teachers in their grade level(s) of interest (and core content, if applicable). When matching Residents with Mentors we consider Residents’ community interests and connections as well, but specific match preferences are not guaranteed. Residents are usually clustered with a small cohort of other Residents at the same host/training school. Mentors are recruited and selected by CPS through principal recommendations, classroom observations by residency program staff, personal interviews and student achievement data.

  • In which schools does the CPS Teacher Residency Program place residents?

    • The exact CPS Teacher Residency partner schools vary from year to year and are subject to change. You can view a list of current and past training sites in our Teacher Residency Starter Kit. Residents who are not hired in their training schools are highly recommended for service in CPS Opportunity Schools in their subsequent teaching years

  • If I am currently employed at a CPS school, can I stay at my school as a Resident?

    • In the vast majority of cases, Residents are placed at a training/host schools other than their home school for their resident teaching experience. This is an opportunity for Residents to diversify their classroom experiences and share their home school's brand and culture with their host school--and vice versa. In rare cases, Residents may be matched with a Mentor at their current school if that school is an eligible and participating training site, but those kinds of matches/placements are not guaranteed.

  • Do I have to live in Chicago to participate in the CPS Teacher Residency Program?

    • Yes. As a condition of employment with the Chicago Public Schools, Resident Teachers must be an actual resident of the City of Chicago or be willing to become a resident within six months of the date of his/her employment as a Resident Teacher with Chicago Public Schools.

  • ~accord


We Look Forward to Connecting!