Spanish Pages Installation Tutorial

How to install Spanish pages and link back and fourth between languages / pages

  • Create a new Index Page (i.e. Licensed Teacher Spanish)

  • Go to the existing landing page in english and duplicate each sub page and then drag those sub pages into the new Spanish index page (in the same order)

  • Change the English copy to Spanish and save – images and layout should require no additional modifications other than updating image captions if they exist

  • Update/Add a Link “View In English” to point back to the English page

    • Any link within the page with “View In English” turns on the translation of header nav and footer nav elements to be switched to Spanish if the English/Spanish definition is found in the Spanish Dictionary

Updating the Spanish Library

Custom Code Installed

  • SpanishTranslation.js is a custom Javascript file that’s loaded through advanced site code injection.

How it’s Triggered to run

  • Function checks every paragraph tag within Squarespace content blocks, changes to lower case, then if “view in english” is found, set page as “spanishPage = true” and run the translation library against the top navigation and the footer links.


Gary Ricke