Join Our Exceptional CPS Team
Chicago Public Schools creates engaging, equitable learning environments for every child in every neighborhood. Our schools and our teachers are the cornerstones of our community and our staff work everyday to ensure students are supported and thriving. We recruit, retain, support, and develop exceptional and diverse talent at all levels. Whether you are a seasoned educator or new to the field, we have a pathway to help you join our exceptional CPS team.
Learn about current teaching opportunities for licensed educators and connect with a recruiter.
Learn about our student teaching program, upcoming events, and apply to be a student teacher.
Want to get started fast as a Substitute Teacher?
Or maybe you’d like to take a step back and see the bigger picture?
The Opportunity Schools Initiative Case Study
What does equity in action look like in a large urban school district? A new case study was just published about Chicago’s Opportunity Schools Initiative, which has increased teacher retention, decreased vacancy rates, and is helping to diversify CPS’ teacher workforce. Read the new study, a project in collaboration with Education First Consulting.

Teach Chicago Events
Register for an upcoming Teach Chicago event today!
Connect With Our Recruiters Directly
Meet Danny, a member of our recruiting team. Everyday, he and his colleagues help talented candidates like you find their place in Chicago Public Schools. You can submit your interest in full-time teaching jobs by clicking “Get Started” to connect directly with one of our recruiters. Experience a new way to find a teaching job in CPS.
Director of Talent Acquisition Danny Kim specializes in helping great teachers find great schools.