Teacher Voice, Amplified.
The CPS Teach Chicago Podcast is a window into the profession of teaching in Chicago Public Schools. Hosted by two CPS teacher leaders, each episode dives into a CPS initiative or district focus and processes it from the teacher’s perspective.
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Featured Episode — Triangle, Square, Circle
Noelle and Kyriako pull together an OSEL Specialist, Principal, and a Middle School teacher to embark on a protocol and share their experiences through the first quarter of the CPS 2021-22 school year.

Season 2 Hosts
Noelle Jones
Noelle Jones
Noelle is the English Department Chair and a founder faculty member at Social Justice High School (SoJo) in the Little Village neighborhood. She is a 20+ year veteran of Chicago Public Schools. When she’s not collaborating with her students in new literary spaces, she can be found spending time with her beloved daughter.
Kyriako Anastasiadis
Kyriako Anastasiadis
Kyriako is the Physical Education and Health Department Chair at Nicholas Senn High School in the Edgewater neighborhood. He is a 9 year veteran of Chicago Public Schools. When he’s not pushing for positive health outcomes for his students and colleagues, he can be found spending time with his family.
Feedback is always appreciated.
Email teachchicagopod@cps.edu with questions, topic suggestions, or general feedback. :)
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